Thursday, February 16, 2012

Brilliant blog posting (Full-text search ideas)

I was just browsing SQL Server blogs appearing in my feeds, and this
one struck a note with me because I would kill for BOTH of the features
he mentions.
Sorry for spamming some guy's blog, but if the SQL dev team reads this
please take a look at it. I doubt it's new ideas, but it's worth
reminding yourself of.Forwarded to the dev lead of Full-text search.
Paul Randal
Dev Lead, Microsoft SQL Server Storage Engine
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"John Seyton" <> wrote in message
>I was just browsing SQL Server blogs appearing in my feeds, and this
> one struck a note with me because I would kill for BOTH of the features
> he mentions.
> Sorry for spamming some guy's blog, but if the SQL dev team reads this
> please take a look at it. I doubt it's new ideas, but it's worth
> reminding yourself of.
>|||seems to be pretty well known, I recall reading something like that on
Tom Kyte's site a while ago|||John,
The issues under "Improved Indexing in SQL Server" are well known on the
fulltext newsgroup. While both concerns are not features in SQL 2000 FTS or
SQL 2005 FTS, both issues are solvable at the application level with data
duplication. I've emailed DForbes to see if he's had previous emails on this
topic per his request.
Paul, I'm sure that the FTS Dev Lead knows about this issue and hopefully
post-Yukon it will be incorporated in the next SQL Server version, besides
he knows how to contact me.. <g>.
SQL Full Text Search Blog
"Paul S Randal [MS]" <> wrote in message
> Forwarded to the dev lead of Full-text search.
> --
> Paul Randal
> Dev Lead, Microsoft SQL Server Storage Engine
> This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
> rights.
> "John Seyton" <> wrote in message
>>I was just browsing SQL Server blogs appearing in my feeds, and this
>> one struck a note with me because I would kill for BOTH of the features
>> he mentions.
>> Sorry for spamming some guy's blog, but if the SQL dev team reads this
>> please take a look at it. I doubt it's new ideas, but it's worth
>> reminding yourself of.

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