Saturday, February 25, 2012

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio

Please advice.
I ran an OLTP Database on a SQL 2K on WIN 2K Advaced
Server in an Active/Passive Cluster configuration. I have
noticed the buffer cache hit ratio dropping down to about
1% sometimes below 1%. Waht can I do to ascertain the
Server needs more memory.
(i.e What memory is available to SQL ,what memory is SQL
requesting and what memory is given.)
I have also noticed the server running out of locks.
Please help urgent.Look at the SQL Server:Memory Manager:Target Server Memory(KB) counter in
Performance Monitor. That is the amount of memory SQL Server would like to
have. Also look at the SQL Server:Memory Manager:Target Server Memory(KB)
counter, which is the total memory SQL Server actually uses.
You can check in Enterprise Manager in the server properties if there are
any limits imposed on the amount of memeory SQL Server can use.
Jacco Schalkwijk
SQL Server MVP
"Olutimi" <> wrote in message
> Please advice.
> I ran an OLTP Database on a SQL 2K on WIN 2K Advaced
> Server in an Active/Passive Cluster configuration. I have
> noticed the buffer cache hit ratio dropping down to about
> 1% sometimes below 1%. Waht can I do to ascertain the
> Server needs more memory.
> (i.e What memory is available to SQL ,what memory is SQL
> requesting and what memory is given.)
> I have also noticed the server running out of locks.
> Please help urgent.

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