Sunday, February 19, 2012


Is this event notification supported on SQL Express or no? I found it surprising that, despite seeing the correct entries in sys.event_notifications, I never received this event notification (BROKER_QUEUE_DISABLED) when the queue became disabled. Its my understanding that the only thing that will cause a queue to disable is 5 consecutive rollbacks, so I was suprised when I didn't get any indication that the queue turned off. The rollbacks would have occurred in a .NET application if that makes a difference, whereas my handling of the event notification was in SQL Express. This worked fine when testing on SQL Developer, by the way.


There are not differences between Developer and Express editions from this point of view. There must be something else that prevents the notification from being delivered. Check sys.trasnmission_queue in the database where you created the notification, the notification should be there blocked for some reason. The reason will be explained by the trasnmission_status column.

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