Wednesday, March 7, 2012

buffered trigger

Hallo i need to read/write data using triggers between two remote MSSQL2K servers, over an unstable connection.
Can trigger operations be buffered, so they are completed when connection is on?
Or should i make the triggers to write into local tables, then replicated in merge? (i would like to avoid this)

No. Trigger is part of the active transaction so if you have an unstable remote connection, I would suggest you queue your data into a worker queue table and process it later. I suggest you take a look at Service Broker in book online. It's designed for message queue/processing.


This asyncronous read/write data can be resolved using SQL Service Broker a feature of SQL Server Express 2005 (that is free).

My ideea is :

1.The trigger of SQL2K1 server write the data in a Table1 of SQL2K1

2.SSSBroker get the data of Table1 in a Table2 from SSEXPRESServer in a Database1

3.From Table2 SSExpress copy data to SQL2K2


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