Thursday, March 22, 2012

Build a Connection String Programmatically

I'm getting really frustrated with using the web.config to store all database information. It seems like you really don't have any real flexibilty when moving an application from server to server (between dev, test and prod). Seems like you have to create separate config files when you move it every time. Seems like you always run into a risk of over writing one of them if you are not careful.

Is there a good way to design the connection object to be able to tell which server it is on and determine if it's a test, dev or prod type of connection. I have used a basic three connection strings that it will compare the computer name with the key. But again, the connection string is hard coded in the web config. At least this way I am able to move all code together without the worry of overwritting the config file. I just have to beleive there is a better way to build something like this. I've heard of setting up enviroment variables on the server, but not sure how safe that is.

I'm looking everywhere on the web, but get really lame examples. If anyone knows a good method or a sample I can check out, that would be great.


Im not sure about building a connectionstring dynamically, but the generally accepted way to solve this is with a User.config file for you and the host. You keep all the normal crap in the webconfig, and then your connection string and any other variables in the userconfig. Here is a good example.

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