Thursday, March 22, 2012

BUG? or intended that in order to move or rename reports....

...anywhere in the folder structure a person must be set up as a Content Manager at the Reporting Services ROOT (and at every level of the folder hierarchy down to the level that they are moving/renaming)?

Sure, you can remove them from the role in other folders where they should not be moving or renaming objects, but it seems you still have to have them at the root (and down the chain), which gives them far more capabilities than you might intend.


After further examination into this problem, it appears in order for someone to move or rename a report or file, they need two things:

1) Content Manager role for the folder they are moving to/from or renaming files

2) Content Manager role for the root RS folder, but not up or down the chain between the root or the folder above.

This has really got to be a bug, as I can't imagine Microsoft doing this on purpose.


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